2007  07/09 -- 07/13

Dear Parents: Julian is a great kid and his attitude toward school is outstanding. He is maintaining grade level achievement and he tries hard to communicate to me in English which is encourageing to see. I'm glad to hear that he likes to listen to English songs in particular and I guess he's feeling much better about the Lyrics book that his dad fixed. Have a great weekend! 

後記 --
老師說的 English Songs and Lyric book, 就是這張迪士尼的動畫暢銷金曲CD -- Buddy Songs.

Julian和把拔六月中無意中在家樂福逛到的, 因為光封面的動畫電影, 就都是Julian看過的(而且每部至少都看N遍了), 所以當然得買回來. 
然後Julian非常有興趣的跟著哼哼唱唱, 把拔看他認真, 也開始敎他, 包括播放CD, 讀歌詞本....

直到現在, 每天放學回家都要放, 一想到就去放......邊跟著唱或邊跳著舞, 熱烈的不得了!  (雖然有時候阿芳阿姨和媽媽都快要崩潰了.....)


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