目前分類:幼小班Julian的聯絡簿 (12)

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有兩篇Teacher Sarah 在聯絡本上的紀錄: 

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2007  07/09 -- 07/13

Dear Parents: Julian is a great kid and his attitude toward school is outstanding. He is maintaining grade level achievement and he tries hard to communicate to me in English which is encourageing to see. I'm glad to hear that he likes to listen to English songs in particular and I guess he's feeling much better about the Lyrics book that his dad fixed. Have a great weekend! 

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今天的數學活動中, 發現Julian的空間,邏輯,推理的概念比前個月又提升好多, 真的好棒! 中午午睡摺棉被也摺的很不錯, Good Job!

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這是我這幾天讀 Julian 的班導師 Teacher Sarah 紀錄聯絡簿的心得.
她記錄孩子的狀況很具體, 再加上肯定的形容詞; 而且在她筆下的孩子, 都是很棒的. 

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Julian 在 2006年五月正式轉入喬幼民權分校. 當時讀幼幼班, 老師是Ivy. 到了七月八月正式成為小班生, 也換了新的老師 Yoyo. 到目前為止, 外籍教師 Richard 倒是沒換過. 

Teacher Yoyo 在三月中就因為身體狀況不適無法續敎. 

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2007 /05/14~~05/18

Dear parents: Julian readily grasps new concepts easily and has good class participation with as a positive influence on class activity. Keep up the good work and have a fabulous weekend! 

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Julian 今天比媽媽早到家.
一看到馬麻進門, 就說: "
ㄇㄚ ㄇㄚ˙, 母親節快樂! Happy Mother's Day, Mommy. I love you! " 

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03/19 - 03/23 

Dear Parents: Julian continues to be interested, motivated and excited to learn. He plays along others taking turns and sharing fairly. Overall he had a nice week. Have a wonderful weekend! 

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2007/01/29 -- 2007/02/02

Dear Parents: 

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Julian 這兩天的聯絡簿, 老師紀錄 --


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2006/01/15 ~ 01/19

Dear Parents: Julian continues to be interested, motivated and excited to learn. He listens with enjoyment to stories and songs, sustains attentive listening and responds with relevant comments, questions or actions. Please do continue to work hard with Julian at home and thank you for the help reviewing the lessons. Have a wonderful weekend! 

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