2006/01/15 ~ 01/19

Dear Parents: Julian continues to be interested, motivated and excited to learn. He listens with enjoyment to stories and songs, sustains attentive listening and responds with relevant comments, questions or actions. Please do continue to work hard with Julian at home and thank you for the help reviewing the lessons. Have a wonderful weekend! 

2006/01/22 ~ 01/26
Dear Parents: I'm happy with the way Julian's performing in class. He's very responsive and I do get positive feed back from him. He retains information well and uses it wisely. As for his progress he is maintaining grade level achievement. Have a fabulous weekend! 

其實, Julian上了喬幼, 在英文的反應上的確不錯, 我和把拔都挺滿意. 我想, teacher Richard 真的是有經驗又敎的不錯的外籍教師. 我也寧可在Julian初學英文的階段上, 是學適當的正確的英文, 而且有良好的"學習習慣"!

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