2007-12-10 ~ 2007-12-14

Dear Parents: Julian was just great this week. He was happy, attentive and full of fun. He learned his lessons well and seemed to enjoy himself. He is a real pleasure to have in class. Have a nice weekend! 

後記 -- >

1. 這幾天固定讀的英文書籍: 
Tikki Tikki Tembo (中譯 -- 最長的名字) 

Blue Train, Green Train

2. 頭上的帽子, 是萱萱姊姊和民民哥哥(大姑姑家的寶貝)繼續"傳"給Julian戴的. 
在天氣又變冷的冬季, 戴起來特別溫暖! 


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